Thursday, 16 December 2010

Don´t care was made to care


  1. The sentence comes from little rhyme our nanny used to sing to us when we were told not to do something and we did it anyway so we would be told that we wouldn't be able to do our favourite thing or that we would be punished and we would sinsolently answer: "I don't care"

    And this is what I remember she would reply:

    Don't care was made to care
    to care was hung
    Don't care was put in a box and made to hold his tongue!

    But I have since since looked up the origine of the rhyme and have come up with this variation:

    Don't care didn't care,
    Don't care was wild:
    Don't care stole plum and pear
    Like any beggar's child.

    Don't care was made to care,
    Don't care was hung:
    Don't care was put in a pot
    And boiled till he was done.

    Anyway I like it & I think it can make people stop & think & start to care about others, about our planet...

  2. A problem - how can anyone hold their tongue AFTER being hung and presumably killed?
