Saturday, 22 November 2014

Sam's vision

Sam’s Vision

Sam was not famous. But she had an incredible eye, and  photographers, directors, & designers often turned to her for advice and inspiration. 

Sam left school at the age of 16, and went on a Government Youth Training scheme, where she worked as an assistant to a Fashion Photographer. Her dream was to be a fashion stylist, and she went on to learn all different aspects of the fashion world and finally worked as model booker.  She never became a photographer herself, but her video camera went everywhere with her.

She filmed everything.

She filmed, informally, behind the scenes at fashion shows, in the late 1990s, when top models were the celebrity idols of the day.
I decided not to let this footage rot away in a box, unseen.
It was all I had.
The photos have been captured from Sam’s videos. These are unique: the models are not posing. Their complicity with Sam is reflected in their relaxed manner.

Remember, that in the 90s, unlike today, we weren’t obsessed by capturing every moment of our lives on camera, nor did we have the digital devices to do so.

Now, thanks to modern technology, we can all share Sam’s vision; this exhibition gives us a unique historical record of that time in the fashion industry.

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